Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies

Learn how to communicate with your physical, emotional, mental and

spiritual bodies.

All parts of you are Sacred.

Need someone to guide you as you deep dive into your healing?

Learn how to communicate with your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies and access the deep well of knowledge hidden within you. Using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, you will discover that you have the tools within you to face any of life’s problems.

In the “Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies” workshop, you learn to get present, express your emotions in a safe environment, quiet your thoughts, and experience communion with your Spirit.

Many traumatized humans have blockages in their Four Sacred Bodies (eg. throat, feelings, mind) and don't even know it. You may feel sick in Body, Heart and Spirit because you’ve been robbed of your natural expression. Experience firsthand the peaceful release you feel when expressing your true Self, making some noise, and communicating with your Sacred Bodies in this workshop. 

The “Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies” is an in-person workshop for organizations and individuals serious about diving deep into their healing.

Find your way home to yourself.

Want Andrea to facilitate an Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies workshop for your community?


What are the Four Sacred Bodies?

The Physical Body is the material, flesh-and-bones part of you that you usually call your “body.” It is extremely durable, but can be affected by long-term stress and pressure. Though most systems in your Body are automated (blinking, breathing) your Body sends you clear signals when it needs something to survive (thirst when you need water.)

The Emotional Body is the feeling part of you. It is the least understood Sacred Body because the Western society does not value emotional wisdom. Your Emotions are a guidance system that responds to stimulus, either real or imagined, and reflects what you believe about the world around you. Emotions exist on a spectrum from positive to negative, but are extremely personal to every individual.

The Mental Body is your Mind. It is associated with the brain in your head. The Mental Body thinks an average of 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. Although the Mind is highly valued in western society, most of the thoughts you think are unconscious.

The Spiritual Body is the part of you that dwells in the Spirit World. It is called many things, such as your Spirit, your Higher Self, your Soul, your Godself. Your Spiritual Body has a wider perspective of your Life and offers guidance to you at all times. Love is the universal language of the Spiritual Body.

The 6-hour workshop includes:

  • 3-hour training and preparation session.

  • 2-hour deep dive vocal releasing and honouring process

  • 1-hour of Sacred Feminine integration time.

  • group work and individual work to ground the work in your life.

  • opening exercises, vocal techniques, journal writing, mental and emotional release practises, and meditative teachings.

Is “Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies” for You?


If you answer YES to any of these questions, then Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies is for you:

  • Are you ready to shine light into the dark, shadowy places within you?

  • Do you want to build trust with your whole self?

  • Are you ready to learn how to turn the "ordinary" into something “sacred” through the practise of honouring?

  • Do you want to slow down and become more present to your Life?

  • Are you ready to stop judging yourself and connect with the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies?

  • Do you want to become a better communicator, partner, employee, leader, entrepreneur, parent or friend?

Sound is connected to the breath and breath is connected to Life.

Take this work home.


The "Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies" was created and hosted by Sacred Feminine Learning Lodge founder, Andrea Menard, and is now available in an audio course format as well.


90-minute Audio Process

This 90-minute “Honouring the Four Sacred Bodies” Audio process is the perfect tool for individuals who feel overwhelmed by their emotions or tyrannized by their minds. It is extremely helpful for those who have taken Andrea’s live workshop and for those who have never come across this work before.

The Audio process has been recorded as a downloadable program for you to take home. Price is $199.00.